Tuesday, April 4, 2017 / by Jill Paulsen
New All Abilities Park in St. George
The new St. George ALL ABILITIES park opened in December 2016. It is a great addition to our city but the most exciting part is the unique ways in which the park is set up to accommodate people of all ages and all abilities. Visitors can take a ride aboard a small-scale locomotive. A 20-foot faux volcano lights up and spews steam in a simulated eruption. Dinosaur-themed play equipment is fun for the kids to play on and the red-rock water feature shines with its pools and fountains.
Take a look at the website to find out more about yet another fun, outdoor adventure your family can go on here in Sunny St. George.
https://www.sgcity.org/legacy/thunderjunctionallabilities/Click here
Also to see what beautiful homes are on currently on the market in Washington County go to www.homesinstgeorgeutah.com or email, text or call Jill Paulsen at 435-414-4048/jillpaulsensellshomes@gmail.com.
Take a look at the website to find out more about yet another fun, outdoor adventure your family can go on here in Sunny St. George.
https://www.sgcity.org/legacy/thunderjunctionallabilities/Click here
Also to see what beautiful homes are on currently on the market in Washington County go to www.homesinstgeorgeutah.com or email, text or call Jill Paulsen at 435-414-4048/jillpaulsensellshomes@gmail.com.